Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Oklahoma Science Museum

Today we went on our first field trip of the year! We had some fun at the Oklahoma Science Museum (formally known as the Omniplex). Aidan and Lilly loved it! We watched a live science presentation on Physics....there were explosions and a vortex cannon! Most of the exhibits have been around since I was in elementary school, it brought back memories of my many field trips to the Omniplex. We ended the day at the Planetarium. I loved seeing all of the constellations -  but I think the kids were too tired. Here are some pictures from our adventure.

This was moments before she lit a match and made the bubbles explode in Jonathan's hand! It was loud and cool! We were a little surprised by the loud explosion, it was not what we expected!

Sounding the train whistle!

He loved all the planes in the aviation section!

Lilly loves to pose for the camera.

A bunch of hams!

Again....she poses!

By the aircraft carrier model.

Pendulum swings.

That girl!! What can you do!

Segway track! This was so cool!

This is basically a giant computer operated etch-a-sketch. He watched it create an awesome design!

Creating wind tunnel experiments!

We had a lot of fun today! Aidan passed out early tonight, he wore himself out :)


  1. Looks like everyone had a great time.

  2. Wow, my son would have LOVED that place. What a great field trip.

  3. My kids LOVE the science museum. :) We've had a membership for the last three years.
